Kabootar bazi new video 2023 

Teddy kabotar is the most famous pigeons in the worlds.kabotar most famous birds 2023.teddy breed since 1990 introduce in Pakistan the legend ustad baba Mistri din teddy breed excellent performance in pigeons tournament. Teddy breed very amazing and beautiful pigeons of Pakistan and highflying.

      Golden kabotar ki pehchan . golden kabootar ki video

Golden kabotar is very famous birds of Pakistan and very amazing performance in tournament this is the most likely and highflying pigeons.

    35 walay sialkoti kabootar.

35 walay sialkoti kabotar is reference to sialkoti in Pakistan this birds is very high flying and record performance in tournament and the wining platform pigeons of sialkot is very powerful performance.I tell you sialkoti pigeons is very beautiful and highflying pigeons.

      Rampuri kabotar pigeons ki pehchan 

Rampuri kabootar belong to rampur of india Rampuri kabotar ki pehchan. what is Rampuri kabotar.Rampuri pigeons videos .